Breakfast Seminar: Populism and Christian Leadership 17th June 2017

We warmly invite you to our upcoming breakfast seminar held on the 17 June 2017 from 830 – 1030am at ETF.

This breakfast seminar is open to all at no charge, although voluntary contributions towards the cost of this event will be appreciated. We apologise but due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to cancel the breakfast. 

Populism and Christian Leadership

Large groups of people in Western countries seem caught by fear of the future and by nostalgia for the past. This leads to divided societies in which people who are optimistic about the future stand opposed to pessimists. The pessimist, together with a considerable amount of politicians of various backgrounds, has gained a voice in politics. Those politicians say the elite obstructs the interests of the people. And they promise a restauration of a former, idealized order of clear values, rules and control that historically never existed as such.

How should leaders deal with this populism? And can a christian answer be found to this populism? In his breakfast address/lecture Rien Fraanje wil elaborate the claim that the best answer to populism is on the one hand to have compassion for the justified concerns of people about loss of prosperity, security and grip. And on the other hand to counter the mostly abject ideas of populism firmly and contentwise.

Our Presenter

Rien Fraanje (1973) is director of the Dutch Council for Public Administration ( Previously, he was director of the Research Institute of the Christian Democratic Appeal (Christen-Democratisch Appèl). He studied public administration at Leiden University and has worked as a journalist, a consultant and as a staff member at a think tank. He has published books and many articles about Christian Democracy, the functioning of democracy and the Northern Irish conflict, among other topics. Rien is married and is father of a daughter and son.

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