ILE conference 2014 “The challenges of Moral Leadership” – Call for Papers

We invite high quality submissions from different disciplines with the theme “the challenges of moral leadership” for our upcoming Study Day 2014 on the 9th May 2014 (Scroll down for further information). We are particularly interested in how the issues of moral leadership, as discussed above, are relevant to today’s emergent practices and realities.

Abstracts (between 200-350 words) should be received by the 9th of February 2014 (please send the abstracts to Authors will be notified by the end of February about their submission. Authors should be prepared to present their paper at the Annual ILE Conference at the ETF in May and will need to submit the full version of their paper (including proper footnoting etc.) at the time of the conference.

These papers will be reviewed by the editors in June/July. If accepted for publication, the final version is due by September 30, 2014. This final selection of papers will be published as a conference volume in ILE’s peer-reviewed series “Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics,” published with Peeters in Leuven, Belgium, in 2015.

Introduction to ILE Conference 2014 (9 May 2014)


What is it about leadership that makes being a moral leader such a challenge? Why do leaders typically make the same mistakes over and over again, throughout history, across cultures and over time? How do expectations of heroic leadership impact a leader’s moral integrity? How do followers contribute to (or undermine) a robust ethical stance of their leaders? How does the spirituality of the leader and the followers impact the leader’s ethical behavior?

These and many other questions will be addressed from a variety of disciplinary, practitioner and faith perspectives. We invited Dr. Joanne Ciulla, Coston Family Chair in Leadership & Ethics, Jepson School of Leadership at the University of Richmond, as keynote speaker, addressing ‘The Ethical Challenges of Leadership’ from a historical perspective. We will also include presentations from other disciplines such as theology, economics, psychology, or philosophy. The recent publication of Leadership Studies: The Dialogue of Disciplines by Harvey & Riggio (Edward Elgar Pub, 2011) may serve as an indication of various possible approaches.

About Our Keynote speaker: Dr. Joanne Ciulla

ciulla_joanne_lgDr. Joanne B. Ciulla is one of the founding faculty members of the Jepson School of Leadership, USA. Her academic appointments have included the UNESCO Chair in Leadership Studies at the United Nations International Leadership Academy in Jordan and appointments at La Salle University, the Harvard Business School, The Wharton School, University of Fort Hare in South Africa and Oxford University. She currently holds a visiting appointment with Nyenrode University in the Netherlands.

Dr. Ciulla’s research interests are leadership ethics, business ethics, international leadership and the philosophy of work. Her latest publication is the three-volume set Leadership Ethics.


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