Our ETF Courses

In the current curriculum, the courses Models of Christian Leadership (MCL) and Contemporary Issues in Christian Ethics (CICE) are provided.


The course MCL exposes students to the major schools of leadership theory, and leads them to develop a Christian philosophy of leadership through the research accomplished for the course. Patrick Nullens, Jack Barentsen and Chris Start contribute to and participate in leading this course.

The course CICE bridges the gap between general Christian ethics and particular issues by teaching students to develop a suitable methodological approach. This biannual course invites scholars from other fields to contribute to the course from their own background.


Next to these two courses, several courses treat aspects of leadership, like preaching (Inleiding Homiletiek; BAand Advanced Homiletics; MA), leading worship (Inleiding Liturgiek; BAand Advanced Liturgy; MA), religious education, and more, although usually not under the heading of ‘leadership’.

Other examples are the course Inleiding Pastorale Theologie, where the role of the pastor and deontology are discussed; Seminarie Praktische Theologie, which pays attention to self-perception and functioning of a spiritual leader; and Ecclesiologische Modellen, which discusses various historical models of pastoral leadership.