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The seminars and workshops are organized in support of Christian leaders, in their service to the church and society. They are more interactive and address one specific topic, introduced by specialists in these fields. The seminars take place primarily during Breakfasts on Saturdays. We welcome you to join us in one of our breakfast seminars. Please find some information from our past seminars (from 2012 onwards).

Courageous Hope and Vulnerable Hope as a Power of Change
19 November 2016
Patrick Nullens

Diversity in Continental 
30 April 2016
Attila Reimer

Swarm Intelligence as Strategy 
20 February 2016
Volker Kessler

Extremism, Civil war and Instability in the Middle East: Where will the Current Crisis Lead us to?
14 November 2015
Christine Schirrmacher

Economics from a Christian Perspective 
14 March 2015
Lans Bovenberg

Finance today: What would Bonhoeffer say?
15 November 2014
Steven van den Heuvel

United in Diversity: A Christian View on the European Union
5 April 2014
Sander Luitwieler

After the Crisis, Could Finance’s Future Be Islamic?
9 March 2013
Johan Serré

Leadership Lessons from Paul: Leadership as Bridging Diversity
October 13, 2012
Dr. Jack Barentsen, Dr. Peter Heinckiens

Business as an Agent of Social Justice
May 12, 2012
Peter Heslam

Ecology and Ethics: A Different View
17 March 2012
Samuel Furfari