In the academic years 2020/21 en 2021/22 we have taught a broadening minor in the field of relational economics, values and leadership. Students were given a broader view of the human being grounded in the humanities and social/life sciences, which they then learnt to translate into models in behavioral economics that included reciprocity and leadership. In the economic modelling track, we will translate the description of the human being as driven by eros, philia and agapè into game-theoretical models of interaction and cooperation between human beings. Building on the work of Bowles, Akerlof and Kranton, and Fehr on strong reciprocity and identity economics, we will show how feelings of identity and reciprocity transform a prisoners’ dilemma (eros driven) into a co-ordination game (philia driven), and how leadership can transform a co-ordination game into a cooperation game (agapè driven). Building on Luigino Bruni, will also discuss how mixed populations of people driven by eros (home economicus), philia (reciprocity) and agapé can produce public goods.
The Tripartite Homo Amans and Economic Game Theory
June 30, 2023 from 3:40 pm to 4:20 pm
Speaker: Bas van Os & Lans Bovenberg